This area’s capital is Puqueldón that in Huilliche “Pukülon – Pucolon” means “Land of Maqui”, it was founded on November 1885, even though this town dates back even further, given that old Spanish documents from the year 1785 describe this place of rustic houses of mixed population, mainly Spanish. On a 1787 census determined that the population consisted of 1.021 Spaniards and 374 Natives. It is known that during the colonization period, Lemuy was a garrison and a military fortification. On 1826 it’s represented as the department of Chiloé and to the year 1924, the village already counted with services.
Here we can walk through its streets, the church of San Pedro and a beautiful viewpoint towards the Yal Canal, where you can see the big island of Chiloé.
It currently counts with a nice commerce, ATM and a craft fair.
As an anecdotal fact, on the first Sunday of the month of January of each year, the festival “The potato is in Lemuy” is celebrated, which aims to give importance to the native potato that is the protagonist of the festival.